Saturday, 9 November 2013

Dragonland - Astronomy (2006)

So far, the three albums from Dragonland have yet to impress me, but this one is certainly a step up, if only for their attempts to progress.
As the title suggests, the topics focus largely on space themes, on the first half at least, and the song "Cassiopeia" is a highlight there (although that one's actually based on Greek mythology), while also intresting is "Beethoven's Nightmare", a reflection of the great composer's suffering through deafeness while writing his music.
The most notable part of the record, however, is the concluding, three-part "The Old House On The Hill". Said to be attributed to Danny Elfman (former singer/songwriter for Oingo Boingo, as well as being the composer for such themes as the ones for the 1989 "Batman" film, and for "The Simpsons"), it is completely instrumental and largely orchestral.  By the end, it reaches quite an impressive grandeur.
However, through all this, the fact remains that the song writing still isn't very inspired or interesting overall, something that has dogged Dragonland throughout their career.  They get marks here for a galant attempt, but only reasonable execution.


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