Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Freedom Call - Stairway To Fairyland (1999)

If anyone asks what could you show them that exemplifies power metal, there are a number of albums you could try, but you simply could not go wrong with Freedom Call's debut Stairway To Fairyland.  Call it "happy metal", "gay metal", cheesey or whatever you want, but this is just glorious. The first two songs, "Over The Rainbow" and "Tears Falling", set the tone straight away with their vigorous, passionate playing and flying choruses, and there's just hardly a let up afterwards. Song after song treats us to wonderful melodies and wonderful performances of those melodies, as we're taken on a trip to the land of Taragon and their fight for redemption. Or something along those lines.
I can't help but think the second half is a bit lesser than the first, but more listens could snap me out of that. I'm sticking with four and a half stars in my rating for now, but maybe that will change.
I'll certainly be taking the stairway to fairyland again soon.

EDIT: Yes, another listen has snapped me out of that. This is five stars, no mistake. Wonderful stuff, from beginning to end.


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