Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Brainstorm - Unholy (1998)

It seems I've erred somewhere in my dating, because this album was actually released in 1998 but, for some reason, I had it down for 1999, and have only just listened to it.
Ah well. What we have here is Brainstorm's second album, and it's about on par with their first, with a lot of fast and catchy metal, although it's a bit too much at an hour. It focuses on such things as religious wars ("Holy War"), fake TV preachers ("The Healer"), laments of man ruining the Earth ("Into The Fire") and even a message of positive action for one's life ("Don't Stop Believing" - no, not the Journey song). I think there's less chanting on this than on HUNGRY, but there's no huge difference and, like I said, if it had been trimmed a bit, it might have been an overall better experience, but there's plenty to like here anyway.
Now, to get back to 1999.


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