Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Steel Attack - Enslaved (2004)

Blimey, here we go again.
Alright, the music first.  Steel Attack's previous album, PREDATOR OF THE EMPIRE, was better than their first two by far, but this one, with another new vocalist in Ronny Hemlin, is a step back, showing less inventiveness and catchy hooks than before. However, it's still nicely fast and heavy, with skilful playing, and the melodies aren't a complete waste.
Now to the lyrics, and I'm afraid it's time to get religious again.
Sorry, but at the risk of sounding childish, these bands start it!
Here we have what seems to be a battle of religious beliefs in God, Satan, etc, and I'm going to try and piece it all together.  So we have a God who demands obedience or you get purgatory ("Out Of The Flames"), and being a follower of God is nothing but slavery that someone should want to be free of anyway ("Enslaved"), and let's not forget the multitude of Christians who kill in the name of Jesus Christ ("Bless My Sins"). Then again, there is a Satan to be wary of ("Immortal Hate") or some kind of evil ("Voices"), and this is all bookended by the desire to ultimately be with God in Heaven (the opening "Gates Of Heaven" and closing "Afraid No More").
And we shouldn't forget the band's "One Way To Heaven, One Way To Hell" that was a highlight of PREDATOR.
I'm not going to come to any more conclusions. Such lyrics certainly hold the interest, and are much better than "Ooohh, baby" from your average chart hit. And the music is good. Just not as good as these Swedes have done before.
Now, where's Narnia when I need them?


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