Thursday, 18 July 2013

Iron Savior - Battering Ram (2004)

Iron Savior's CONDITION RED was a rip-roaring classic, and any follow-up was almost inevitably going to be a bit of a comedown. And so Battering Ram is - but not by a lot.
At about eight minutes shorter, Pat and the crew have again given us a straight-forward, dynamic slice of power metal, which one assumes continues the story of the Iron Savior spaceship that they started right at the beginning of their recording career, although I admit I've lost all track of it by now.
It's the music that works.  The opening "Battering Ram", "Time Will Tell" and "Riding Free" are three of the best songs here and, as usual, there are no ballads.
Just fast, pounding rock for those who are happy with such music to be lacking in complexity, but overflowing with power and melody.


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