Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Iron Fire - Revenge (2006)

Danish band Iron Fire recorded two albums, the impressive THUNDERSTORM (2001) and the rather disappointing ON THE EDGE (2001), before they went missing in action for a while. Fast forward five years, and vocalist Martin Steene has got together a new line-up for this comeback album, Revenge.
With titles like "Wings Of Hope", "Whirlwind Of Doom", "Fate Of Fire" and "Brotherhood Of The Brave", you know what to expect (they're the only songs with 'of' in the title, but you get the idea), being mid-tempo metal about chosen ones and battles against incredible odds.  It's not really all that great, and a bit too long for what it is, but "Fate Of Fire" and "Alone  In The Dark" are really good, and it's a pretty decent listen overall.


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