Saturday, 14 September 2013

Thy Majestie - Jeanne d'Arc (2005)

Thus far, Thy Majestie has disappointed me greatly, presenting a grandiose musical style I like, with material I don't. But this album, about the life of Joan of Arc, and with new singer Giulio Di Gregorio, finally produces satisfaction.
The music is much more focused this time around, with tighter song constructions that results in some magnficent moments found with such songs as "Ride To Chinon", "... For Orleans", "Siege Of Paris" and the concluding, nine-minute "The Trial". There is a choir that is just used occasionally, but affectively, and while there are still moments that are a bit weak, overall, the record has a cinematic sweep (including the lyrics) that is dramatic, exciting, moving and tragic. Whether you are well versed in the deeds of the great French lady (and she was pretty impressive) or not, if you like speedy power metal, mixed with orchestral grandeur, this is certainly worth the price of admission.


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