Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Sabaton - Primo Victoria (2005)

Power metal gets plenty of flack and derision for being 'cheesey' and suchlike, whether they're singing about fantasy or historical battles, or pretty much anything else.  But along comes Swedish band Sabaton, and they take their focus on war (here it's largely, but not only, WWII) so seriously, they almost dare anyone to laugh at them.  And it's not just 'about' war, but there's furious rage against it.
The music is punchy and to the point, the playing tight, and the roaring, Chris Boltendahl-like vocals of Joakim Brodén suit the material perfectly. It is also quite catchy.
Such songs as "Primo Victoria", "Wolfpack" and the concluding "Metal Machine" are highlights, the latter being a metal tribute, which includes name-checks of various metal songs ("is this St Anger, the ultimate sin/Or have I really a black knight within"), and even that manages to avoid cheesiness.
If there's any critism to be aimed at the record, it's that it could have been a bit more diverse and imaginative in the song writing, but there's still so much to like, and the attitude so impressive, Primo Victora stands as an example on how to do this kind of thing right.


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