Thursday, 4 April 2013

A bit of re-listening

I'm still around, currently running through various 2004 stuff (got Therion playing at the moment, even though they're not on this blog), while sitting down and re-evaluating a few others I've already rated.
I've just had another listen to Steel Attack's PREDATOR OF THE EMPIRE, and I'm glad I did, because I enjoyed it ever more than last time, so I've bumped the rating from three up to four.  A bit earlier, I listed to DragonForce's VALLEY OF THE DAMNED, and found I really do love it, so it's gone from four stars to four and a half.
It does have me wondering how much else I would change if I had enough opportunities to listen to more albums more often. :-/
Ah well.
Just over six weeks until I go overseas.

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