Friday, 8 March 2013

Stratovarius - Elements Pt 2 (2003)

I found Stratovarius' ELEMENTS PT 1 to be overly contrasting to my own beliefs in regards to the lyrics, but excellent musically, so I was expecting more of the same from part two.
The lyrics actually start pretty much Biblically, with the opening "Alpha & Omega" almost quoting parts of Revelation, while "Know The Difference" has a part of The Serenity Prayer ("grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference"), in slightly amended form, as its chorus. While Tolkki still sees everything 'as one', it's a somewhat gentler message this time.
However, the music is quite disappointing.  This is slower and steadier than what is normal for the band, and that is not necessarily wrong in itself, but it just plods along too much, particularly on the first half.  Things do get a bit better as it goes, "Luminous" being quite enchanting, and the concluding ballad "Liberty" isn't too bad, while I still love the way Jorg Michael bashes the life out of  those skins.  But, considering the innovation that Part One presented in its music, this follow-up has to be considered as quite a let down.


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