Thursday, 28 February 2013

Tierra Santa - Indomable (2003)

Tierra Santa continue with their steady brand of metal, bringing out an album that's not as good as their previous SANGRE DE REYES, but again the excellent guitar work is to the fore, helping make such songs as "Alas de fuego" and "Las Walkirias" work, although the highlight is really the concluding "Las puertas del infierno", having one wondering why they can't bring out more songs at that standard of excellence.  As usual, I don't really know what they're singing about, although battles seem to be a topic, and one song is called "Hamlet".
I'd like to say that there's more to listening to Tierra Santa than just the novelty of them singing everything in Spanish, and there is a bit, but I wish there was that extra something that could really draw me in with extra enthusiasm.


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