Sacred Steel's fourth album is their heaviest and most 'evil' to date, to the point where the first 'proper' song has death metal vocals. Squawking singer Gerrit Mutz soon enters the fray, however, and things become somewhat more familiar. The lyrics focus, at least in part, on witch burnings, like with "Slaughter Prophechy (Vengeance For The Dead)" (that's the death metal one) and "Let The Witches Burn", while we have other titles like "The Rites Of Sacrifice", "Faces Of The Antichrist" and the suicidal "Lay Me To My Grave", which really threaten to go over my moral threshold, even though I know their not really praising evil, supporting this view being such things as drummer Matthias Straub's list of thank yous, which has him finishing with "Metal means tolerance, not violence and stupidity!"
I don't really know why I stick with Sacred Steel, but I have their stuff, so I might as well keep going, and see whether, at the very least, Mutz learns to sing normally.
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