Thursday, 25 October 2012

Edenbridge - Arcana (2001)

There are some acts (from any genre) which jump out at one straight away.  You could just have them on in the background, or while you're walking (talking from experience here), and the songs just leap out. There are others that sound samey and 'difficult' to get into for a while, and it's not until you sit down and really take the album in that it comes alive. Such is the case with Edenbridge.
Arcana is this Austrian group's second album, and it's another worthy collection of symphonic power metal, with more lilting tunes by Lanvall, while Sabine Edelsbacher, I think, sounds more lovely than she did on the band's debut, SUNRISE IN EDEN.
However, I'm not rating this one quite as highly, as I think the second half is just a bit weak. I will listen to it again soon, and I might change my mind on that, which I hope I do because, at their best, Edenbridge are lovely to listen to, offering music which is captivating and engrossing with their rich symphonics, graceful melodies and beautiful vocalist.


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