Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Gamma Ray - Insanity & Genius (1993)

With Helloween not sure where they were going in the early nineties, Kai Hanson's offshoot, Gamma Ray, were still very much into power metal.  After the rather disappointing SIGH NO MORE, this album is something of an improvement, although it's rather haphazard.  It starts well with the rousing "Tribute To The Past" and "No Return", before things get rather spotty. The song "Gamma Ray" and "Insanity & Genius" have their moments, as does the Queen-inspired opus "Heal Me", while "Brothers" concludes things pretty well, but it still can't match the consistent quality of their debut, HEADING FOR TOMORROW".This was the band's last album to feature Ralf Scheepers on vocals, Hansen himself taking up the roll again for their next release, LAND OF THE FREE.


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